Flour and Flowers | A Kitchen and Garden Blog

About Me

My  name is Becca, and I am a casual gardener, baker/cook, houseplant mom, and maker of random things.  I live with my husband and two cats (there used to be a beta fish, but the kitten disappeared him) in a perfect-sized house on a perfect-sized plot of land in a perfect-sized town.  (Perfect is relative.  I love them, so they are perfect.)

I like to write, and I like photography, so it made sense to combine all my hobbies in one place and make a blog where I can share my writing, photography, plants, food, and crafts with anyone who is interested.

My clay crafts are also often listed on Etsy – my shop is named Sculpability. This tends to be seasonal (I do more sculpting when I can’t be outside gardening), so check back soon if there’s nothing there.

4 responses

  1. Hi Becca,

    Your writing cracks me up and I love it! I’m new at blogging but I get the same feelings of which you spoke on your Pretzel Dogs post…I wish they would write themselves too. Looking forward to reading your posts!

    May 16, 2012 at 9:48 am

  2. Liesje Smith

    Hi Becca –
    Look at all the cool things I am learning from my cousin. Awesome to have you in the family.
    Keep the recipes coming.. My thumbs are the farthest thing from green but I still have my mother to help out when she visits.
    Keep up the cute blog.

    June 8, 2012 at 12:31 pm

    • Thanks, Liesje! I think green thumbs are a misnomer anyway. Some things love me (ficus, daylilies), and some things I can kill in seconds! (roses and orchids! D.E.D.!)

      June 8, 2012 at 12:33 pm

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