Flour and Flowers | A Kitchen and Garden Blog

Posts tagged “tulips

Spring Comes Early

My fears for our incredibly mild winter (knock on skull) seem to have been unwarranted. (I say this writing now, barely into March, when winter could come and hit us at any time, and all evidence could be buried.) These are photos of my garden from January 28th – evidence of Springtime only one week after our mini-ice storm.  (Yes, yes, I’m getting behind.) Following so closely on the heals of our mini-ice storm, my garden seems to be happily chugging along on its annual schedule, only perhaps a few weeks early.


What Happens Without Winter: Part 1

Since apparently we are not going to have a winter this year, and my entire yard is convinced that we are part way through March and headed into April, I thought it was about time I got back to my gardening posts. I’m a little unclear on where this will all end up, and I confess I’m more concerned than excited by the fact that we appear to be headed for spring two months early.

The lowest temperature we’ve gotten so far this year in the “city” was 14 degrees, which was a shock, but is no where near as cold as it is supposed to get around here in the wintertime. But it hasn’t just been warm. The weather this winter has been verging on schizophrenic, or at least bipolar. Let me recap the weather since New Year’s for you: (more…)

Fall Bulbs – It’s Time To Dig

Here’s a few pictures  of all the bulbs I ordered this year. There are lots of them.  Lots and lots and lots.  I’m very excited.

This is all of them:


In Focus: Tulips

Tulips are a new love for me.  Until last year, I thought of them as limited, formal flowers – always so proper and well-behaved.  Certainly not something I would pursue in my own garden.  No rows upon rows of perfectly cupped tulips marching in my wild, cottage-style beds.

Last Spring, though, as I was busily discovering all of my new plant friends in my new yard, some unexpected things emerged.  First came the three white tulips by my front door, shortly joined by several silvery purple tulips all nodding together.  These were intriguing – they opened only when the sun shone, and the more sun, the farther they opened.  On the best days, the white tulips opened nearly flat, and showed their greenish-yellow centers.  These weren’t the tulips I knew!


Welcome, Springtime!

My garden is blooming and no amount of confused weather can convince me that Spring isn’t here.  Lately I check on my babies twice a day – I try to sneak out in the morning between tea and breakfast, just to make sure I don’t miss anybody.  I can’t wait for Daylight Savings Time to bring me an extra hour to explore in the evenings.

And so it all begins again

As most people who know me know, I’m truly, madly, deeply in love with my garden.  I’m infatuated, enraptured, verging on obsessed.  Around this time of year, my standing rule reapplies: I’m unavailable if it’s nice weather – if you need me, you can find me up to my elbows in dirt somewhere in my yard.

This coming Tuesday, March 1st, marks one full year of home and garden ownership.  It also marks a full circle of garden photos.  As things have begun emerging from the cold ground around my house, I’ve been comparing to the pictures I took last year of these same plants, and remembering blissfully how green and wild and brilliant my playground is about to become.
